Friday, April 29, 2016

Julia Roig: President of Partners Global

Yesterday at my college we were lucky to have Partners Global President, Julia Roig. Partners Global is a nongovernmental organization that works with countries dealing with conflicts by helping patrons become leaders as well as peace builders. The organization strives to identify and support emerging democratic leaders in various locations across the globe. Partners Global has branches in over 20 different countries. Their overarching goal is to reach democratic change by means of conflict transformation, as well as instilling democratic governance. 

In her talk with students, she emphasized how important it is to have nongovernmental nonprofits because they allow citizens to have voices when it comes to conflicts that they experience. Having these organizations allows voices of citizens to be heard at policy making levels, so that changes can occur. 

Julia Roig highlighted 4 trends that she has seen in the past 5 years when it comes to the nature of social conflict. Those 4 trends include: 
1. Closing Political Space
2. Rise of Extremism 
3. Illicit Criminal Networks
4. Struggles Over Natural Resources 

To combat some of these changes, Ms. Roig suggests the following: 
  • Create ties with the local people, and ensure that citizens continuously flex their democratic muscle
  • Pinpoint the creation of violence and prevent it from occuring
  • Narrative creation and reform, in relation to media and advertising 
  • Budgeting plans for weaker municipal governments so they can handle revenue from natural resource adequately 

The main Challenge towards democratic change through social conflict transformation according to Ms. Roig, is how silo-ed we all are and how hard it is to collaborate. 

To be someone of the stature that Julia Roig is, one must posses leadership. At the conclusion of her talk she listed her lessons in leadership. I think they are lessons that everyone can try to implement into their every day lives at work and at school. 

Here are her lessons: 

1. Theory is important, practice is necessary, but management skills are essential 
2. "Essential intelligence" such as cultivate empathy 
3. Connect the dots. Don't stay silo-ed. Reach out to different tribes 
4. It's hard to work collaboratively. One must have patience, perseverance, and commitment 
5. Diversity is always a value added; in culture, working styles, experience and expertise 

My goal is to implement these lessons into every project in every field of my life to the best of my ability to better hone my leadership skills. I think it would be prudent for everyone to not only become acquainted with these lessons, but also with the work Partners Global does. 

More information on the organization can be found here:

- AF 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Rainy Monday Morning

The only thing worse than a Monday, is a rainy Monday. Your alarms go off and you look outside thinking that there’s no way it’s already morning, look how dark it is outside! The double checking of the time confirms you have to get up and make moves, but in that moment it’s as if your bed grows arms and pulls you in closer. Damn that seductive technique because you’ll probably doze for a few extra minutes which result in you running around like a chicken with its head cut off just so you won’t be late. The temptation to fall into the cloudy eye'd-feet dragging Monday stupor is great, but don't! You have to start on the right foot this Monday to set the tone of the rest of your busy week! 

My favorite thing to do on Mondays, especially those rainy dreary ones, is to treat myself to a coffee shop trip before any commitments I have. (Shocking really, I know).  It’s a great incentive to get going, AND it puts an extra caffeinated pop in my step. 

If you’re not a coffee person, treat yourself to a fun pastry because who doesn’t love a good pastry?! They’re gooey, flakey, fruity, chocolatey, wonderful puffs that you can never go wrong with… *salivates*. You got out of bed and you’re walking in the rain, you might as well enjoy something delicious while you dry off! 

Maybe you’re the person that dozed for too long and the chances of having enough time for any consumption are slim to none. HAVE NO FEAR there is a Rainy Monday Treat for you nonetheless. Make yourself a specific Monday playlist for your trip to class with nothing but spunky music on it. It’ll keep you awake and brighten your mood for sure. I super recommend throwing some new Ellie Goulding on that playlist. 

Whether you get a treat, get good pump up on your walk, or try something new, make sure you treat yourself on this rainy Monday! Gotta keep energy and motivation levels up to take on the rest of the week!  :)



Sunday, April 10, 2016

College and the Fear of "Adulting"

Worrying About “Adulting”

A few weeks ago I sat down and had this big meltdown of “What am I doing? What do I want? Where will I go from here?” A thought process that every 20 something year old goes through at one point or another, and probably more than once. It’s the phasing into “adult” that sparks it. 

When you first go into college you may or may not know what you want to study, and that’s totally fine because you have time. People might stress you out by asking how you couldn’t know, but ignore them because you’re 18/19 and don’t need to know what you want to do forever at that point in time. Get your prerequisites out of the way and move on from there. For me, I knew what I wanted to study since my senior year in high school so starting college was really refreshing for me. 

Come the second year of college you have a better idea of what you want to do with your studies, but chances are you’re still in the dark to some extent. You’re all “YAY I really love what I’m studying, but what exactly do I want to do when I’m done studying?” 
That’s where I was pre meltdown. Except the only difference was that I had to accept I am going to be in my senior year come the fall, and that I already had a grad school acceptance letter in my hand. Those facts are remarkably terrifying as much as they are exciting. 

Something everyone asks themselves while in college is “Am I doing the right thing? Is this really what I want? What happens if I mess it up?” The major highlight though, is that everyone around you is asking the same thing. You might feel isolated in your thoughts and worries, but really so many of your peers are experiencing the same things you are, and are also petrified.  I talked with friends and peers that were experiencing the same emotions and thoughts that I was, and I felt a lot better because we were all in the same canoe without a paddle. 

The future is the scariest thing there is, but it is also the most exciting. You are the creator of your own destiny, and that’s awesome! You’ll stumble and make mistakes, but you’ll end up exactly where you’re supposed to be regardless of the speed bumps you hit along the way. Everyone is experiencing the same thing you are to some extent, so TALK TO THEM. Talk to everyone you can and learn about their experiences so far in their journey. It’s so rewarding, and will alleviate so much stress. You’ll make some great friends and connections along the way :) 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Faith Over Fear Inspiration: 10 Things I'm Grateful For

There has been a phenomenal group created by the lovely Michaela Loynd, called Faith over Fear on Facebook. The group strives, and accomplishes, creating an environment for women to come together and support, as well as empower one another. I am SO happy and excited that the group exists thanks to a remarkable person’s idea. The love and support that has grown on that page is so inspiring. 

Last night we were prompted to write about 10 things we are thankful for. It’s so important for everyone to sit and think about all of the things in their life that they are thankful for to avoid taking anything for granted. 

I’ve decided to share my list on my blog in hopes that it will inspire others to make their own list! :) 

1. Every friend and acquaintance that has taught me something new, that has listened to all of my life problems with open ears, and has offered advice
2. My parents who have supported me in every decision I've ever made and have taught me that space is the limit not the sky 
3. Attending a school that pushes me to accomplish all that I can as a young woman 
4. My cat, who gives me cuddles when I need them most, but also just in general
5. Books and movies for allowing me to create new versions of realities and to get lost in those realities 
6. Quaint coffee shops because they allow me to find my zen and mellow out 
7. Traveling for allowing me to open my eyes to new norms and ways of living 
8. My grandmother, even though she's not here anymore she taught me so much and the relationship I had with her created who I am today 
9. Living in Boston because doing so has allowed me to meet new people, embrace new experiences, and continue learning about myself 

10. New England, because living here has allowed me to embrace all sorts of weather and lets me enjoy the best of both worlds with warm and cold weather

A Typical Morning as a Coffee Lover

A Typical Morning as a Coffee Lover 

Well, your alarm has now gone off about three times because someone thought a snooze button was a safe thing for people who hate mornings. The groan you let out is one of a kind. The “I hate everything, I don’t want to, I don’t really need to right?” groan. 

Somehow you detach yourself from your ridiculously cozy cocoon and zombie walk/stumble into a shower to shock yourself to life. (Personally, I choose to scald myself in the shower so I am literally jarred awake by the cold air outside the shower.) 

That sudden feeling of being awake from your shower lasts for about 10 minutes, if that. All you can think about is going back into the safe haven of blankets mocking you in your room.  But, you’re a motivated person. You know you have things to do, places to go, people to see so you turn your back on the cozy monstrosity. 

Of course now you’ve managed to get yourself ready to conquer your day, and of course you’re on the verge of running late because there is 0 energy in your body.

Now you’re faced with a day altering question: Do I go straight to my commitment and be on time, or do I get coffee and end up being late? 

If you’re a true coffee person in the morning, you know you’re choosing the latter regardless of the commitment you’re going to be late for, and regardless of the line at the coffee shop. 

After the line, after faking smiles and dishing out nasty unapologetic glares to those people who are oddly energetic at this time of day, you’re finally content. You have your coffee and you devour that liquid gifted to you from the coffee gods. You’re amped and ready to do anything. 

Eventually towards mid day, whatever juice was in your battery is gone now, and you bet your bottom dollar that you’re back in that line late for another engagement because you need to be rejuvenated to conquer the other half of your day. 

Necessary Introduction


I'm Alexis, and I am remarkably new to the world of blogging. However! I am super excited to get started! 

I’ve kept a journal since I was in  the 7th grade and have decided now that I am starting my final years of college I would change it up a little and blog in addition to my journal! 

I hope to write about things that people can relate to. Growing up I wish I could have read about other people’s thoughts and perspectives about various things. I still feel that way, which is why I’ve taken a liking to the blog world. 

A few things about myself:
I go to school in Boston, MA majoring in Political Science and Economics, with a minor in Public Policy. I really want to help people in my life, and writing policy with a background in Political Science and Economics will allow me to do that on a grand scale. 
I absolutely love coffee. You can always find me in a coffee shop in the city. 
I can be best described as personable, funny, and kind hearted. 

I’m excited to start my journey of blogging! 

