There is such a special place in my heart for Boston Public Garden. It doesn’t matter the time of year or the weather, beauty is everywhere under all conditions. To sit on a bench and take in all the Garden has to offer, is one of the greatest joys this city has to offer.
The Swan Boats glide across the water carrying people from all over the world. Children hold onto their parents hands and squeal with excitement as the boat brings them close to the ducks swimming along. Their small faces light up as they pass the small island in the middle of the water, and they get to count all the turtles sun bathing there.
When I was really young, my father took me on my first Swan Boat ride. Or at least it is the first ride that I remember. It was a warm and sunny day, and my dad had us sit on the front. He was wearing a baseball cap that was taken off with the breeze. His hat landed in the water, but the hat was passed up to the front thanks to the friendly passengers on board.
That’s the spirit that Boston has. People are nice to each other. Some may think that passing a hat back to its owner is a no brainer. But is it? How many times have you seen someone drop something from afar and nobody bothered to pick it and return it to the person? Bostonians care for each other, and if the people are not native to the city, the city brings the caring tendencies out of them. Never do you see a frown in Boston Public Garden.
Back in the Garden, the ducks are chasing each other, or getting chased around by the youngsters. Others are swimming around the pond, as if to entertain the passengers on the boats. Each playing their role in this magical movie-like scene.
How peculiar ducks are. I mean that seriously. They seem to float, but always end up where they are going. Could we be the same? Those of use that may not know our desired destination in life feel as if we’re floating. Perhaps we will still end where we are meant to?
I love when the ducks teeter-totter their bodies so that they can eat the bottom greens of the pond. Their tiny duck behinds exposed above the water with their small orange webbed feet kicking in the air. The phenomena is a cute one to watch. I always smile to myself whenever I see it occurring. I probably look ridiculous, but what do I care? I'm sure others understand. It’s lovely to hear other bystanders enjoy watching it happen to. It’s almost an unspoken of bond that you get to share with the person in your vicinity. Like you and I are here together, not knowing each others’ names or where we are from, but we are watching these ducks bob around and we're loving it.
It’s hard not to enjoy the squirrels in Public Garden too. They dance in the grass hoping to come across someone’s dropped lunch. As an avid squirrel lover, I like to feed them and watch others feed them. The playful creatures will climb right up your leg to steal a peanut or almond and scurry away to enjoy the treat in peace.
Really the whole place is like living in a Disney movie. I personally think of Bambi. The species in the Garden each have their own personalities with their own traits. These cohabitants get along and live in harmony. Every day they welcome new travelers and the daily visitor. Pictures are snapped, children laugh as they experience this new world, and wonderful memories are made in this magical place in this one of a kind city.
“ Okay lets get up” a friend says to her companion.
They stay for another hour.
This is not a place to only visit once, and the visit won’t be short won't be at that.
The Public Garden roots itself into hearts. Its vines wrapping around memories, smiles, and around the hands of mothers and fathers with their children in tow. The vines drag behind the Swan Boats and stay intertwined into every visitors' heart never to be forgotten about.
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